Tend What Flame?

Have you finally claimed the title of creative? I used to declare myself a writer and eschew the word artist — well, because I thought I wasn’t any good. Turns out being quantitatively good is not the point — offering your qualitative good is. Everything starts to make more sense when you realize you are here to create: your art, your work, your life.

My creativity changed; I slowed down. I built a steady flame, a strong-based ember to return to, throw on a log and sit by. A place to invite others to be ignited, or to come quietly warm themselves from the modern pace.

Welcome to Tend the Flame

This is where the spiritual & analytical sides of seeing come together for writers, creatives & humans seeking a life of harmony. Here we, place shards of experience into a meaningful mosaic in absolutely insane times.

🔥”These are the words to be reading now in these times of human growth and consciousness”. - Tracy, paid subscriber

“The power of story, the power of place, is to quiet us, to bring us into this present moment, to make us fully alive.” - Terry Tempest Williams

Where to Begin

🔥 If you are here for the writing specifically, you may want to start with one of these, grab your 📝.

🔥If you are here for some inspiration to light your path, you can start here:

☕️✨ The Muse likes her caffeine. Being a paid subscriber ignites your own flame & grows our light together. Thank you for your support.

You can even share in our sips here.

Or read Kate’s first book.

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Create a life in harmony with your purpose.


Kate Brenton opens your perspective to the possible. With 20+ years of teaching traditional writing & holistic bodywork, she helps you unwind your story & live in harmony with your purpose. 🔥 Once you see it, you can create it.